Monday 8 March 2010

Sport on TV

Genres of TV
sport relief, sport on news, charity, sporting quiz shows, sport highlights, inside sport.

Genres of Sport.
Different kinds of sports on TV.

Codes and conventions (what you would typically expect from the genre)
Commentator, fans/audience, replays etc.

Narratives - story.
players playing in their own clubs, FA cup, human narratives - Ashley Cole/John Terry. Underdogs/giant killing. Heroes & villains.

Men, nationality, we see women sport much less than mens.

Sky(sports), bbc, itv, ESPN, pay for view.

Audiences Demographic - age of an audience
Different sports have different audiences. Gender, education, social class and age.

Why is sport such a big deal?
because there is always a large audience. Sport gets ratings from advertising. The advertising revenue generated by slots in major sporting events is enormous. thousands of pounds per second. Represents our local, national identity. Brings communities together.

Organisations: Tv channels.

Bbc channels 1 and 2.
Sports and PSB National identity, UK, GB Team GB. Nations, regions - Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England.
Rugby league - north of england, not really covered in the south.
Bbc gives us a sense of history, tradition and sharing in national sporting events.
Public service broadcasting: bbc 1 and 2, bbc radio. Educate, inform us.
Commercial broadcasting: main job to entertain us, more about the money.

Live outside broadcast

Studio Based

Hybrid - combinations of live/studio based and certain sports but making it entertaining for everyone.
Dancing on ice.
Match of the day
Wayne Rooney's street striker.
Soccer am

Magazine/ talk show/ Chat show
Inside sport.

Quiz Show.
A question of sport

Outside broadcast

Codes and conventions
-birds eye view shots
-Multi camera
-commentary - non diegetic, 1 expert commentator, 1 ex pro.
-cutaways - frequent
-crowd ambience - diegetic
- celebration - close ups
-text box - introduced the scores

Studio broadcasts

codes and conventions
-title sequence
-tracking shots
-main presenter & ex pro.
-presenter introducing a running order
-shorts & clips
-music - non diegetic
-desks/tv screens/mugs - connotations - news. importance.
-artificial lighting

Wimbledon clip
At the beginning there is a close up of the players before they start and a cut away in between them to swap from one to the other. Comparing the emotions of the players, which one is under more stress.
Prinicpal shot of both players and shows the whole game.
Sound of the ball makes the game more realistic and immediate for us.
Close up of relatives, coaches, celebrities and shows the pressure they are also under.
Close up of player if he misses the ball to show his expression.
Commentators use metaphors to make the game more intense and exciting.
The commentator changes pitch, tone and the speed of their voice.

Expected behaviour emotions and attitudes
Women: clean
take care of children

Men: Sporty
laid back

representation of women in sports is not just about the sports they play, it is about how they are shown when they are not playing.
They are passive, beautiful, sex objects and generally seen as happy as oppose to the men who are seen as aggressive when it comes to sporting activity.


Music starts off slow and as the video builds up the music builds up with it.
Drum beats at the start to build up to the tension. Matches the feeling of the drivers.
Establishing shots - The cutaways of the track matched with the beats of the music.
Showing shots of the people in the pit/ fixing racing car shows that its a team sport.
P.o.v. - puts you in the position of the driver.
commentators voice got louder to increase the excitement.

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