Monday 9 November 2009

Pre production

What lines of appeal is most important to you in adverts?

1. Comedy
2. Nostalgia
3. Happy Families
4. Beautiful Men/ Women or successful lifestyles. The most popular line of appeal is comedy. Therefore I should use some comedy in my advertisement.

Do you think taglines are important in TV advertising?

The majority of people preferred tag-lines in advertising as they tell you more information on the product they are trying to sell.

Do you like to see adverts that have a narrative?

People prefer adverts that have a narrative so they know about the advert fully. I will try to include this in my advert.

What is your favourite advert at the moment?

The most popular advert at the moment is the Guinness advert.

Do you like to see celebrities endorsing products in adverts?

People prefer celebrities endorsing products.

Extended Interviews - Qualitative research

I asked 2 people multiple questions associating their views on advertisements.

Danny Bradley, 18, Student

Danny likes to see characters that reflect real life rather than trying to create assumptions based around stereotype in order to sell a product. He also prefers adverts that have narratives as the message can be easily portrayed through story, it adds a sense of entertainment, rather than just blatant consumerism. He isn't keen of seeing celebrities on adverts and he likes adverts such as the Citroen advert with the dancing car. These types of adverts, he thinks, takes the norms of reality and bend it, which appeals to him and is more likely to buy him into the advert.

Beth, 15, Student

The characters she likes to see in adverts are real, working class people that also reflect real life. She doesn't like to see celebrities in adverts as they don't need the money or the advertisement to sell their product. A narrative is always good in an advert to help you get the gist of the story or understand what they are selling. Beth doesn't have any favourite adverts in particular but her favourite are real life, added with a bit of humor to get you interested in buying the product.

James Burkinshaw, 34, Teacher

James likes to see serious minded, attractive, successful career men and women. He likes adverts with a story because it helps to give me a sense of emotional engagement with the product. James doesn't like to see celebrities in adverts because he feels that celebrities are allready over exposed and don't believe that they use the products they advertise. He was a fan of the 1980's gold blend that was shot in the style of a soap opera.

Secondary Research

One of the successful TV campaigns at the minute is compare the meerkat advert. One line of appeal is comedy and humour, which appeals to people because it makes a tedious product seem engaging and funny. The factors in persuasion are mainly reward power because it is promising cheaper car insurance. The main characters are animated which gives the producers more freedom to create humour-the voice over is in a european accent which makes the advert even more unusual. The voice over also repeats 'compare the market' several times helping to lodge the brand name firmly in the minds of the customers.

Another successful advert is the Hovis tv ad. The lines of appeal are happy families and nostalgia because the advert takes you on a trip through Britain's past. The factor in persuasion is referent power because the advert might make people feel a sense of patriotism. The music bed changes throughout the advert to show the different eras that it covers and to demonstrate changes in mood, for example World war 2 has a soft and slow, orchestral music bed and the millenium celebrations have an upbeat guitar based bed. A voice over is used at the end of the advert with a northern accent which is a cultural code connoting that the bread is honest and traditional.

Pre production mind map ^


Idea 1
The day in the life of a Coke Can. First few shots are of the cans being made in a christmassy elf factory. After they are finished they are sent to Santa which he takes in his Lorry and sends them to peoples houses. The camera angles used in this will be a panning shot through the factory, long shots to see the process and a close up of the can.

Idea 2
Coke cans are taken into a supermarket and are put onto the shelves. They are placed next to diet coke which the coke flirts with. ''Ive got a six-pack. Fancy some sugar?'' is one of the quotes for the advert. The coke is seen as the male and the diet coke is female. The ending shot is of the 2 cans with smaller coke cans classed as the 'babies' (coke 0).


The lines of appeal that will feature in my campaign are 'comedy' and 'dream and fantasy'. This will be shown because the advert uses the product to act as a person. For dreams and fantasy, the Coca cola is shown to be coming alive.

The factors in persuasion that will feature reward power because if you buy the product you will have a 'fun' time. Also included in the advert is coercive power because I want my audience think they will miss out on the good times if they don't buy the product. Referent power is used also to appeal to children.

The primary target audience for the advert is all the family as its a product that everyone can enjoy.

There are a variety of camera angles. The first will be an establishing shot of the supermarket where the Coke goes into. The second will be a long shot of the Coke cans coming through the store doors. Throughout the advert there will be close ups of the products 'speaking' to other types of products in the store. Also there will be a close up of the Coke can at the end to show the colour and brand logo.

The narrative of the advert will be the coke entering the store with human priorities. Whilst on the shelf the coke 'chats up' the diet coke referring to the diet coke as female. Therefore the normal coke is male. The next shot is of the 2 drinks being mixed together in a glass. The final shot is of the glass with smaller Coke cans surrounding it. The cans will be diet and normal.

The music bed at the start of the advert when they go through the shop doors will be sort of upbeat rock music. The second scene with the 'female' can will change to romantic music.

Regulation & Control
ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)
The ASA is the independent body set up by the advertising industry and lay down the rules with the advertising codes. They support and commit to the advertising industry through the Committee of advertising practice (CAP) to the standards of the codes. The ASA regulates the content of advertisements and directs marketing in the UK. They stop any harmful or offensive content in the advertisements and also help reduce unwanted commercial mail through text messages, post and emails. For my advert, the ASA could class our advertisement as 'offensive' as we are implying that the coke cans are making sexual references, even though the scene would be very minor, this could affect some viewers feelings.
Marketing & Promotion

Because Coca-cola is such a famous brand, the advertising for it would be on TV, at any time as well as it would be classed as a family brand. It would most likely be on main channels like ITV1 and channel 4. Therefore the advert would be shown in between popular shows such as Coronation Street, X-factor, Britain's got talent etc. Our advert could also become viral and as it is a family brand, would be put onto social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter & Myspace.

1 comment:

  1. This is very worrying Emma.

    There is much for you to do.


    The pre-production and textual analysis pieces need to be in separate posts. See me about this.

    Both pieces are unfinished due to absence and incomplete homework. See me.

    E grade as c/wrk stands
