Monday 17 May 2010


7. Targeted Advertising - Adverts placed to reach audiences based on demographics (facebook/amazon) for example 'people who bought this also bought'

Phorm - Allows them to gather info about your purchasing trends, things youve bought in the past. Doesn't store your name or address. Id number.

Targeted advertising would be very powerful way to advertise for magazines such as heat as there is a vast majority of their target audience on the internet (e.g. teenage/adult women) that would be interested in this. There would also be a wide range of websites to allow 'heat' to advertise on such as social networks and shopping websites.
It would also work for 'Heat' magazine for contextual advertising as women would search certain website categories for shopping on search engines aka google, which would be a big advantage for the magazine to advertise on to.

2. The advert uses star power as the model for the product is Kate Moss. This makes the product seem more important and must work well as a celebrity is using the mascara.

3. The model is the central figure and is also close up. This is because we need to be able to view mostly the eyes to see how well the product works. Also, the camera angle is at a low angle to make the celebrity look powerful & dangerous because of the mascara she is wearing.

5. For the logo, the typography of it is formal. The logo has a crown on top which connotes royalty. However for the tagline, it is a casual sort of text which suggests it is targeted at any young woman, it could also suggest that the product is affordable.

For the Terminator advert, Propps theory can be used. In the advert the terminator is the villain as the laser eye and the other technical terms surrounding him connotes he is not human. Also the expression on his face is serious and somewhat disturbing which suggests he is evil.


Moving image = flash element
Writing scrolling along = bleed
cursor over different text changes colour = rollover