Monday 12 October 2009



An advertising agency plans and organizes advertisements and find customers for their products and services. Agencies are typically classified by the type of business they handle or the range of services they offer (e.g. media, creative or full service.) Advertising services prepare and place advertisments (e.g. commercials, billboards) and include the creating, planning and production. Saatchi & Saatchi created adverts for T-mobile, NSPCC, Cadburys and Visa. Leo Burnet created adverts for Mcdonalds, Samsung and Nike. The BBDC agency created Pepsi and Mercedes Benz advertisements.

The BBH is a British advertising agency that produced the Levi's Laundrette advert, Barclays, Itv advertisement and Barclay card.

The company NMI does not exist anymore as the meaning of the adverts they produced didn't really link with the product they were selling, such as the Reebok advert with the famous rapper, 50 Cent.

Regulation & Control

Mr T - violent, affensive to 'speed walkers'
Trident - very stereotypical, main guy made out to be an idiot.
Nike - could scare children.

ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)
The ASA is the independent body set up by the advertising industry and lay down the rules with the advertising codes. They support and commit to the advertising industry through the Committee of advertising practice (CAP) to the standards of the codes. The ASA regulates the content of advertisements and direct marketing in the UK. They stop any harmful or offensive content in the advertisements and also help reduce unwanted commercial mail through text messages, post and emails.

The advert for Reebok featuring 50 Cent wasn't banned as it didn't portray any violence or contain anything to suffer emotionally to. It was because 50 Cent was made to look like a famous 'cool' survivor from gun crime and the fact that the rapper sat there casually laughing which is seen unacceptable.

The Levi advert had many complaints about the nudity used as a man strips in a launderette. It was made in the 80's and would have been a big shock to the viewers in those days.

Marketing and Promotion

Even though the Reebok advert was banned it was still successful because the young male audience like the idea of rebellion and danger and the fact that it got banned would have made more talk about it so the advert would have become viral.

The Levi advert however was not banned but almost was, even though it was also a very successful advert. It had many complaints on the nudity involved but the advert was different and daring which made people interested. Within one year of the advert being aired, 50% of jeans sold across the world were Levi.

One of the lines of appeal used for the Reebok advert was self importance and pride. This was probably used to make the viewer feel proud of them self by using the slogan 'i am what i am' and if you wear Reebok then you will feel important.

However the Levi's advert also uses self importance and pride as if you wear Levi jeans then you will feel confident and look good as the male model used for the advert.

The reebok advert uses all sorts of camera angles but uses mostly close ups of 50 Cent. At the end of the advert there is a low-angle close up of the rapper which connotes power as it looks like he is looking down at us but it seems asif its saying if you buy Reebok then you will be at his level.

An advertising agency plans and organizes advertisements and find customers for their products and services. Agencies are typically classified by the type of business they handle or the range of services they offer (e.g. media, creative or full service.) Advertising services prepare and place advertisements (e.g. commercials, billboards) and include the creating, planning and production. Saatchi & Saatchi created adverts for T-mobile, NSPCC, Cadburys and Visa. Leo Burnet created adverts for Mcdonalds, Samsung and Nike, and the BBDC agency created Pepsi and Mercedes Benz advertisements.

Some advertising agencies are very successful such as the BBH is a British advertising agency, that produced the Levi's Launderette advert, Barclays, Itv advertisement and Barclay card.

However, companies like the NMI does not exist anymore as the meaning of the adverts they produced didn't really link with the product they were selling, such as the Reebok advert with the famous rapper, 50 Cent.

Regulation & Control

ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)
The ASA is the independent body set up by the advertising industry and lay down the rules with the advertising codes. They support and commit to the advertising industry through the Committee of advertising practice (CAP) to the standards of the codes. The ASA regulates the content of advertisements and directs marketing in the UK. They stop any harmful or offensive content in the advertisements and also help reduce unwanted commercial mail through text messages, post and emails.

The advert for Reebok featuring 50 Cent wasn't banned as it didn't portray any violence or contain anything to suffer emotionally to. It was banned because 50 Cent was made to look like a famous 'cool' survivor from gun crime and the fact that the rapper sat there casually laughing was seen unacceptable.

On the other hand the Levi advert had many complaints about the nudity used, as a man strips in a launderette. It was made in the 80's and would have been a big shock to the viewers in those days.

Marketing and Promotion

Even though the Reebok advert was banned it was still successful because the young male audience like the idea of rebellion and danger, so the fact that it got banned would have made more talk about it so the advert would have become viral.

The Levi advert however was not banned but almost was, even though it was also a very successful advert. It had many complaints on the nudity involved but the advert was different and daring which made people interested. Within one year of the advert being aired, 50% of jeans that sold across the world were Levi.

One of the lines of appeal used for the Reebok advert was self importance and pride. This was probably used to make the viewer feel proud of them self by using the slogan 'i am what i am' and if you wear Reebok then you will feel important.
However the Levi's advert also uses self importance and pride and if you wear Levi jeans then you will feel confident and look good as the male model used for the advert.

The reebok advert uses all sorts of camera angles but uses mostly close ups of 50 Cent. At the end of the advert there is a low-angle close up of the rapper which connotes power as he looks down at us but it seems asif its saying if you buy Reebok then you will be at his level.

The music bed for both adverts is Non-diegetic as the people in the advert can't hear it. On the other hand, the music bed in the reebok advert is quite dark to go with the story and the locations that are shot in the advert. The 'hip-hop' chart music appeal to its target audience and gives the advert more of a 'gangster' effect.

However the music used in the Levis advert is a famous 60's soul record so it can appeal to everyone The tempo of the music was quite faster than the first adverts so it matches the mans pace and it builds up as he undresses.

The sound fx used on the reebok advert gives you a better idea of what 50 Cent went through. At the start you can hear an ambulance which connotes danger and could link to 50 Cents attack. Throughout the advert there is a heartbeat which causes some tension as it relates again to 50 Cent. After he counts to 9, there is silence which creates tension to give you an insight as what 50 Cent felt, until the tension is broken as he laughs at the camera in a sort of sarcastic way.
Males are used in both adverts because the products are aimed at men. The male stereo types used in the adverts are Quiescent & Erotic. Quiescent is used for 50 Cent as he is being inactive which connotes he is having a 'quiet moment' in his life. For Levi he is stereo-typed as the erotic male as he is undressing and showing off his body.

50 Cent wears a bandanna which signifies he is a member of 'gang' culture and the fact that their are screams at the start of the advert and shoes hanging from an electricity wire suggests a crime ridden area or 'ghetto' which 50 Cent boasts he lives or used to come from.
However in the Levi advert it shows the historical culture by having a soldier outside the launderette and a 50's car driving past. The main character has a 50's hairdo and wears sunglasses which suggests he is 'cool'.

Both characters could be described as heroes as 50 Cent has become one of the top selling music artists and the man in the Levi advert is a hero as he breaks social convention by taking his trousers off.
For 50 Cent he could too be a damsel in distress other than a hero as he has been shot 9 times and has to suffer the memory of it.

Both adverts are similar as they include males modeling the product. They also rely on the music bed to fit with the theme/feeling of the adverts.

The Levi advert was quite successful even though it was nearly banned because of the nudity. The advert still achieved selling thousands of their product and now is a well known brand.
However the Reebok advert wasn't so successful as it had many complaints and eventually was banned. The story also had nothing to do with the product they were selling.