Monday 13 July 2009

Radio Show Evaluation

Our radio show topic was theme parks. This went well as it’s almost the summer holidays and the fact that our end of year trip is Alton Towers.

We played a range of chart music including both genders. We didn’t get any requests for music, only the topic we were talking about.

We had quite a few technical issues to be honest. At the start of the show we didn’t know how to fade out music or control anything so all of the music and commercials started playing one after the other and we didn’t know how to stop it. There was also one part when we mentioned a song was coming up next and then a completely different song started to play but luckily changed it straight away and it didn’t really get noticed by the listeners.

Also it didn’t help when things were going wrong as people were panicking and weren’t acting calm therefore it made things even worse.

The topic we talked about was a bit difficult as there is only a certain amount of the topic that you could talk about otherwise it gets a bit repetitive. Basically about theme parks the only thing you can talk about them is the rides which obviously gets a bit boring after a while and then it created some pauses and we didn’t know what to say.

I learnt some new skills as how to work some of the technical work on the computer like fading out songs and putting commercials on etc. Also I learnt how to keep a conversation going and including as much detail as possible.

My strengths were talking and trying to keep the conversation going and my weakness was controlling the computer but after a while I picked up on it a bit.

I think I was a good team member because I tried my best in controlling everything and talking the most and bringing up as much conversation as possible.

A lot of people enjoyed our show when we picked it up from all the faults but everyone just found that part funny. We got a lot of comments whilst we was on the show as well, a lot of people emailed us and seemed to enjoy the show.

When I go on the radio in the future I need to practice the controls of basically controlling the whole show and having a calm manner.